Whats membership in the Windsor Model Railroad Club About

Its an opportunity to Aquire model railroading skills and knowledge.

Are memberships available

Yes, We are always welcoming new members. If you are interested, feel free to talk to any of our members.

What does a membership in the Windsor Model Railroad club offer me?

The Windsor Modular Railroad Club offers it’s members the opportunity to acquire the knowledge and skills from other fellow model railroaders in becoming a successful model railroader yourself. Moreover, the WMRC offers you the opportunity to develop numerous friendships amongst the current and many new model railroaders in Windsor and Essex County.

How do I join?

We invite anyone interested in joining the WMRC to come out to one of our meetings on any Tuesday night from 6 pm to 9 pm or Saturday from 10 am to 3 pm. Anyone can request a membership application and sign up to join the WMRC at any of our meetings

What are your dues?

Our monthly dues are $CAD 40.00 ($480.00/Yr) with a $20.00 initiation/sign-up fee. Membership dues are required to be paid in six- or twelve-month increments. All new members have a six-month probationary period so they can learn the club’s traditions and policies.

New Membership Rules


members under the age of 18 years, must be accompanied by an adult or guardian.


All Members agree to show courtesy, respect, politeness and Patience be shown towards fellow model railroaders and visitors at all times.


All members are required to fill out an Application Form and sign a Declaration Form agreeing to the Rules,


All members agree to adhere to the Regulations and Standards established by the membership of the WMRC.


New members are required to pay a one time $20 initiation fee.

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